But before I get to that, thank you all for your comments about the layout of my strippy stripey blocks (It's officially referred to as "Random Stripes" now...) It is being sewn together right now, and I took your advised and tried to make it balanced - not quite symetrical, but not soooo crazy, either. Can't show you for a week though!
Speaking of crazy, this...

...is my first quilt! In all its crazzzzy insanity!
It's actually upside down in this picture, but only I would know that; obviously the people helping me take pictures didn't, ha ha. When I backpacked around asia and the pacific after graduating high school, I collected fabric, at my mothers request. I think I did succeed in purchasing fabric on every stop of the trip, with I think two exceptions. So when I got back and was bored and missing the adventure of travel, my mom suggested that I make a crazy quilt with them. The "travel" fabrics are the center of each crazy block, the sashing was picked up in Thailand, but most of the rest of the patches are from mom's scrap bag. Each block was embelished while sitting at Denny's in the middle of the night, where I typically hung out every night after getting off work on the second shift (I worked with all my best friends at the time). If you click on it it should take you to flickr where you can see a larger and a huge view, to get a closer look at the fabrics and embelishments.
This is the third quilting project that Mom started me on in my life - but this is the one that "took".
Also can't spell check in blogger on this computer...¡discuplame!
Your first quilt is adorable! All that color - so bold. You really went nuts, and I really respect it. I have a couple quilts that are super over the top color-wise, and they are some of my total favorites. The quilt I made when my son was born is probably the most wild thing on earth. He loves it and drags it everywhere with him. Your quilt here is wild and beautiful!
Wow! That's one heck of a first quilt- FUN! Hope you get your laptop back soon...
Your FIRST quilt?!?! Wow! That says something about your energy and style. It's terrific!
Can't wait to see photos of what you're working on -- hope you get your computer back soon.
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