There's that beautiful blue heaven! This is what I'm working on now. The top and bottom borders aren't actually sewn on in this picture but hopefully they will be tonight. It's been sitting around with the middle finished and the borders cut but not sewn on for like a year. OK, less than a year, but at least 9 months. So now I'm just trying to take it from the works in progress pile to the finished tops pile.
Hmmm. It seems like I always get these project about yea close to being finished tops and then I put them away to marinate for like years. Which is why I currently have this massive wad of unfinished quilts and so few finished quilts to show for all my hours of sewing. Which of course is why I'm on the "no starting new projects" diet.
But I'm not sure how I think my sewing life will change if/when I somehow get all these projects done (like in seven years). Will I just work on a few projects at a time, beginning to end? Or will I just accumulate another huge pile of works in progress and return to never getting anything done?
It does all seem like a mountain of stuff sometimes. There's that cosmic guilt kicking in. Anyway, these blue Chinese Coins are cute, huh?
Ahhhh, the no starting new projects is a fun diet to be on! LOL Love the blues in this quilt top, I feel calm looking at it. :)
this is stunningly gorgeous!
Wow that's really beautiful. I want to do a scrap quilt in that style, multi-fabric strips against a solid-ish background. Very nice.
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