Anyway, for the most part my sewing time has been spent hand quilting the ginormous Trip Around the World or machine quilting this:

Yes, you read that right, machine quilting - my first attempt. I am using polar fleece as a combined backing/batting meaning that I don't have to worry about batting separating and could probably get away with really minimal quilting, but I want to do some for the sake of strengthening the top. And since my new-to-me (it's 17 years old) machine has a walking foot I decided to give it a go. Since I'm not too familiar with the whole walking foot thing, I'm just making it up as I go along. The stitch length is really erratic, but I think I might just be pulling the quilt to much.
The good news is, I don't care at all how the quilting LOOKS on this, and in fact poor quilting will fit in better with the rest of the quilt than good quilting would. The top was sewn almost entirely from untrimmed scraps pulled fairly randomly from the scrap box. The only bit I cut is the black. When some of the seams were close to pulling out because of fraying fabric I reinforced them by whip stitching in embroidery floss - very visible. When the top didn't lay flat - because it did not come CLOSE to laying flat, I took darts and used more embroidery floss. I basically broke every quilt rule in the book, but it's been super fun and makes me love it even more!
LOVE the scrappy little number! Very vibrant and fun. Surprised you are having trouble with stitch length, though; that's exactly what a walking foot is supposed to take care of....?
Rules? Rules were made to be broken! That's a lovely quilt - bright and cheery.
Good luck with your transition, too. A bit scary, but also very exciting.
The quilt top looks cool, the colors are great.
Good luck on the job transition.
I just love your sense of color. Going your own way and not worrying about rules helps develop your own style. Good luck with the job woes, hopefully something better comes along.
What a fun quilt! I really like how playful it is.
Changing jobs -- wow. It's a big deal, but I think you're absolutely right that 25 is a good age to be doing stuff like that. Good luck!
You should name it your rebel quilt since you broke all heh rules ;-) It looks like such a fun quilt!
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