So I'm participating in the "Friends Around the World" friendship star block exchange with the International Friendship Quilters ( The blocks are easy to make, and I like the idea of having a quilt made of blocks from all of over the world. I forgot to take a picture of the first one I sent, but here is my second send (pink & green) and the first that I received (the blue). The blue block came to me from Rena in Australia - it's lovely, ¿verdad que si?

I guess there is some funny comic book page making program on our new I-book and my dad made this page b/c those were the only pictures on the computer. It's hi-larious...

I'm plugging away on the quilting of the Batik Cats - I got at least 2/3 of it done in Phoenix, and maybe 3/4. And since getting home I'm almost done - yeah!
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