Here it is! I did go with the yellow, which was perhaps a slightly more popular option. It really took me forever to decide, though, even with everyone's advice. I'm happy with it. I am thinking about making another, and possibly a larger older child version. In the meantime this one will be getting in the mail to Debra.

(If you are fascinated there are a million pictures of this on flickr. Let's just say that I am fascinated, probably too much so.)
Also, I have received nine of the eleven blocks I will get from the lap quilt swap on craftster. I need to make one for myself for a total of twelve. Here's what I've got so far:

I think they have a lot of potential! I have a million ideas for possible settings, so it will take some thought and some trial and error to decide how to put them together. Of course I can't really make any decisions about that until I have them all in hand. If you would be interested in participating in a future round of this swap, I suggest you join craftster ASAP, because there is a requirement that you must have been a member for thirty days (and post a certain number of times) before you can participate in a swap. Not sure when the next round will start, but if you join now I think you will probably be in time.
Life got very busy the last two weeks, or at least very busy compared to what it had been immediately before. My interview went smoothly. I haven't heard back about it, but I also at this point feel like the job would not be a very good fit. I also took another trip to Chicago just to visit and hang out with friends, and continued and finished up my two weeks of subbing for the ESL teacher. This weekend my Grandma and Aunt will be in town, and next week I start an eight day sub job in the bilingual k/1st room. Today, at least, I can stay in my PJs for a while.