Tuesday, November 25, 2008

S l o w n e s s

**EDIT** Fixed! It was some code from a defunct website that I forgot was even on here. Thanks to my SUPER tech savvy Dad. If any of you used to use tracksy, go in manually and delete the code from your blog (on mine it was near the bottom). Otherwise that tracksy code will probably slow you down, at least on blogger but I assuming anywhere.....

A quick additional note...Quilty the Libster loads really slowly on both of the computers I use. Today I tried stripping off all the gadgets and everything I could possibly strip off and it made no difference. I have another blog with the same template also on blogger that has no bells or whistles, but is equally photo dense (or nearly) and loads fine. I'm stumped.

If you're using a feed reader it doesn't affect you that much, unless you want to click over to comment. However, it drives ME crazy, and I would like to be comment and new user friendly.

SO...does it load slowly for you all? Any other blogger users had this problem?


jovaliquilts said...

Yes, your blog has been loading much,much slower than anyone else's -- until just now! I read your last entry awhile ago and it took forever, this one loaded very quickly.

Michael5000 said...

I've never noticed any slowness. However, it seems LIGHTNING FAST all of a sudden, so....

Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

No it didn't load any slower than usual today. I wondered what was happening for a couple days though when it was just the pink background. I didn't wait to see if anything loaded into it later.

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