Although I had wild visions of all the sewing I would do during that time, at first I was too disoriented (for lack of a better word) to do much of anything. I had pretty much all of season 5 of Project Runway to watch, so I got out a hand quilting project and did a lot of watching. I finished season 5 in three days - the quilting took slightly longer, but I'm in the process of the hand sewing on the binding. It should be done today, soon?
Anyway, my mind is overflowing with projects I want to start, but when I finally decided to get down to some sewing I found that I felt compelled to finish some old projects before starting anything new. I HATE when that happens to me! So boring! The fact is I LOVE starting new projects. And whenever I do start them, I had better finish them right away or else they get boring! Not boring enough that I want to abandon them, because I still like the projects. They are, however, boring enough that I'd rather be starting something new.
So anyway, I've been working on this:

It is affectionately known as "the quilt that makes you have songs stuck in your head," click the picture for a bigger view if you want to know why. The center squares are from a fat quarter by Block Party Studios. I started this FOREVER ago. And it has spent most of its life marinating in a shoe box, but I'm determined to finish it. I actually only need to do four more blocks. I think part of the problem is that the block, while not terribly complex, is pretty time consuming to both cut and sew. I was rotary cutting for and hour and a half the other day and only cut four blocks. And the strips were already cut.

But I digress. I'm totally in the "powering through" phase on this. I hope to cut the last four blocks today. For as long as it's taken me I'm really pretty fond of it. I think it will make a cute lap quilt, and I will probably gift it, although I'm not sure who will be the lucky recipient. Who gets to have a song stuck in their head every time they look at it forever.