I cannot seem to gain much momentum in sewing this year.
The sweater project stalled out because I need one more sweater and have not made it to the thrift store to get one, and hopefully pick up a flannel sheet for the back of it. So one day I'll get back to that...as with so many things.
I have been going through the other supplies that I have here, in part to remind myself what there is and in part to (hopefully) inspire myself. Of the things I have, what is most getting my attention is what I like to think of as my "bits and pieces" box. Left over blocks, projects from my mother, unincorporated pieced units, attempts at surface design, little experiments that didn't relate to a larger project. Perhaps it is time to start putting these little bits into a larger whole.
A bit at a time. The thing is, I really want to think about it, and ponder each addition before I sew it down. I see it as a memoir quilt, sort of, a retrospective on my fiber life up until now. And I really want it to be a thoughtful project.
But it's hard to gain momentum when you're working that way.
So, so far I have this little bit.
i like it. keep going.
i was thinking about UFOs today and thought that the trouble with them is that if they stay ufos long enough, your personal style will change so much that you'll never want to "go back" and finish them the way you had intended. so maybe an orphan block quilt is the way to move forward. i'm looking forward to see how you piece the bits together.
Hey Libby - how you doing ? At least you have made a start. I have a box full of orphan blocks and have been thinking of putting them together somehow but haven't got past the thinking stage. It may be one of those quilts that just never gets done. Hope to hear from you soon xxx
I have never heard the term "memoir quilt" but I really like it. And even though it's your memoir, it reminded me of my early fabric life -- I did counted cross stitch on gingham when I was in high school. No idea whatever happened to it.
Hope you make it to the thrift store as I think your sweater quilt is the bees knees and I'd love to see it finished!
"I cannot seem to gain much momentum in sewing this year."
Yeah, me neither.
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